Very Simple Add, Edit, Delete, View (CRUD) in PHP & MySQL [Beginner Tutorial]

In this article, I will be presenting simple PHP & MySQL code to add, edit, delete and view data. This kind of system is also referred to CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete).
Here is a step-by-step guide on creating a CRUD system using PHP & MySQL:
First of all, we will create a new MySQL database. Let us name the database as ‘test‘.
create database test;
Then, we will create a new table in database ‘test’. Let us name the table as ‘users‘.
use test;
id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
name varchar(100) NOT NULL,
age int(3) NOT NULL,
email varchar(100) NOT NULL,
Now, we will create a config.php file which contains database connection code. This code connects to the MySQL database. This file is included in all PHP pages where database connection is necessary.
In below code, the database host name is localhost where username=root and password=root. The database test has been selected.
To add data into database, we need an html form.
Form action on add.html is add.php. It means that the submitted form data will go to add.php. In add.php, we do a simple validation of checking if the entered name, email & age are empty or not. If they are all filled then the data will be inserted into database table.
Data from database is fetched and displayed in index.php file. This is our homepage. This file also contains a link to add data. On every row of displayed data, there is also a link to edit and delete data. Below is a sample image of our homepage:
Each row of data can be edited separately. Row ID is passed in the URL of edit.php. ID uniquely identifies the data entry.
While adding data, we had two files: add.html and add.php. While editing data, I have kept the entire thing in a single edit.php file. Edit form in HTML and database update code in PHP are present in the same file.
In the code below, at first a single row entry of data is fetched based on the id. The fetched data is displayed in the edit form. When user edits the data and submits the form, then some simple validation is done for empty data. When everything is correct, then that particular entry of data is updated in database.
Each row of data can be deleted separately. Row ID is passed in the URL of delete.php. ID uniquely identifies the data entry. After deletion, the user is redirected to homepage (index.php).
Hope this helps. Thanks.


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